Create Cloudera Hadoop Cluster Using Cloudera Director on Google Cloud

I have a blog discussing how to install Cloudera Hadoop Cluster several years ago. It basically took about at least half day to complete the installation in my VM cluster. In my last post, I discussed an approach to deploy Hadoop cluster using DataProc on Google Cloud Platform. It literally took less than two minutes to create a Hadoop Cluster. Although it is a good to have a cluster launched in a very short time, it does not have the nice UI like Cloudera Manager as the Hadoop distribution used by Dataproc is not CDH. I could repeat my blogs to build a Hadoop Cluster using VM instances on Google Cloud Platform. But it will take some time and involve a lot of work. Actually there is another way to create Hadoop cluster on the cloud. Cloudera has a product, called Cloudera Director. It currently supports not only Google Cloud, but also AWS and Azure as well. It is designed to deploy CDH cluster faster and easier to scale the cluster on the cloud. Another important feature is that Cloud Director allows you to move your deployment scripts or steps easily from one cloud provider to another provider and you don’t have to be locked in one cloud vendor. In this blog, I will show you the way to create a CDH cluster using Cloudera Director.

The first step is to start my Cloudera Director instance. In my case, I have already installed Cloudera Director based on the instruction from Cloudera. It is pretty straight forward process and I am not going to repeat it here. The Cloudera Director instance is where you can launch your CDH cluster deployment.

Both Cloudera Director and Cloudera Manager UI are browser-based and you have to setup secure connection between your local machine and VM instances on the cloud. To achieve this, you need to configure SOCKS proxy on your local machine that is used to connect to the Cloudera Director VM. It provides a secure way to connect to your VM on the cloud and can use VM’s internal IP and hostname in the web browser. Google has a nice note about the steps, Securely Connecting to VM Instances. Following this note will help you to setup SOCKS proxy.

Ok, here are the steps.
Logon to Cloudera Director
Open a terminal session locally, and run the following code:

gcloud compute ssh cdh-director-1 \
    --project cdh-director-173715 \
    --zone us-central1-c \
    --ssh-flag="-D" \
    --ssh-flag="1080" \

cdh-director-1 is the name of my Cloudera Director instance on Google cloud and cdh-director-173715 is my Google Cloud project id. After executing the above command, it looks hang and never complete. This is CORRECT behavior. Do not kill or exit this session. Open a browser and type in the internal IP of Cloudera Director instance with port number 7189. For my cdh-director-1 instance, the internal IP is

After input the URL for Cloudera Director. The login screen shows up. Login as admin user.

After login, the initial setup wizard shows up. Click Let’s get started.

In the Add Environment screen, input the information as follows. The Client ID JSON Key is the file you can create during the initial setup of you Google project with SSH key stuff.

In the next Add Cloudera Manager screen, I usually create the Instance Template first. Click the drop down of Instance Template, then select Create a new instance template. I need at least three template, one for Cloudera Manager, one for Master nodes, and one for Worker nodes. In my case here, I did not create a template for Edge nodes. To save resource on my Google cloud environment, I did not create the template for Edge node. Here are the configuration for all three templates.

Cloudera Manager Template

Master Node Template

Worker Node Template

Input the following for Cloudera Manager. For my test, I use Embedded Database. If it is used for production, you need to setup external database first and register the external database here.

After click Continue, Add Cluster screen shows up. There is a gateway instance group and I removed it by clicking Delete Group because I don’t have edge node here. Input the corresponding template and number of instances for masters and workders.

After click Continue, the deployment starts.

After about 20 minutes, it completes. Click Continue.

Review Cluster
The nice Cloudera Director dashboard shows up.

You can also login to Cloudera Manager from the link on Cloudera Director.

Nice and easy. Excellent product from Cloudera. For more information about deploying CDH cluster on Google Cloud, you can also check out Cloudera’s document, Getting Started on Google Cloud Platform.